Bezos and his fellow tech titans are all throwbacks to the robber barons of the late 19th century& the men who first brought America into the industrial age. 贝佐斯和他的同类科技暴君们就像19世纪末最初将美国带入工业革命的豪门强盗一样。
After we moved into the industrial age and after World War I, the basic view of success shifted to what we could call the personality ethic. 进入工业时代以及第一次世界大战后,成功的基本观念转移到可称为个性标准的方面。
Perhaps the nearest modern equivalent in Anglo America is the Amish, a German American farming sect that largely renounces the products and labor saving devices of the industrial age. 在当代美洲的英语区,与民间文化最相似的群体也许算是Amish。Amish是美国的德裔农耕部落,他们基本上拒绝接受工业时代的大多数产品和节省劳力的设施。
Trans fat began as an Industrial Age breakthrough but evolved into a modern-day menace, offering a history in miniature of the food industry. 反式脂肪最初曾是工业时代的一项突破性发明创造,但后来逐渐演变为现代社会中的一大威胁,反式脂肪可以说是食品行业历史的一个缩影。
Highway traffic is critical for our daily life, since the industrial age, cars have gradually become an indispensable part of life. 公路交通对于我们的日常生活来说是至关重要的,工业时代至今,汽车已经逐渐的成为人们生活中不可缺少的一部分。
During the industrial age, however, brainpower began to count for more than muscle power. 然而在工业时代,人脑的力量开始比肌肉的力量更为重要。
Such spillovers mattered in the industrial age, too. 这样的溢出效应在工业时代也有重要的影响。
The industrial age has been the only period of human history in which most people's work has taken the form of jobs. 工业革命是人类历史上唯一一个把大部分人们的工作以就业的形式固定下来的。
The industrial age may now be coming to an end, and some of the changes in work patterns which it brought may have to be reversed. 如今,工业时代可能就要结束(进行时),工业时代所带来的工作方式上的一些变化可能需要改变(不准确)。
I recommend it to all those interested in the pivotal issue of both climate change and the Asian industrial age. 对气候变化和亚洲工业革命感兴趣的所有人,都不妨去听听这个讲座。
Brad allenby, at& t's vice president for environment, safety, and health, believes our move from the industrial age could help enormously. 美国电话与电报公司主管环境,安全和健康的副总裁布雷艾伦比认为,我们逐渐告别工业时代对此会有极大的促进作用。
The invention of machinery had brought into the world a new era-the industrial age. money had become king. 机器的发明使世界进入了一个新纪元,即工业时代,金钱成了一切的主宰。
From primitive barbarism to agro-farming, from the industrial age to information society, mankind has gone through countless hardships. 从茹毛饮血到田园农耕,从产业时代到信息社会,历尽沧桑。
They are the largest remaining artefact of the industrial age and they are due for an upgrade. 它们是工业时代遗留至今最大规模的人工制成品,理应升级换代。
In the Industrial Age, employees were rewarded for things like seniority. 在工业时代,雇员因为他们的老资历而获得更高的报酬。
His famous quote summed up his feelings toward the workers of the industrial age: "in the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first." 他著名的引述概括了他对工业时代工人的心情:“过去,人是第一要素,而将来,系统很可能会成为第一要素。”
The medieval jigsaw of nations is obsolete. The balance of power is dangerous foolishness in the industrial age. 中世纪的割据已经过时,均势政策在工业化时代是危险而又愚蠢的。
In the Industrial Age, a senior employee had more experience. 在工业时代,年长的雇员经验较丰富。
When the world is transiting from industrial age to past-industrial era, classic modern architecture is now changing to a new modern architecture involving ecological trend, intellectualization and pluralistic architectural culture. 摘要在工业时代向后工业时代过渡的当今之世,时代建筑正由经典现代建筑走向生态化、智能化和建筑文化多元化的新现代建筑。
In the industrial age, hardware mattered; 在工业时代,硬件重要的;
Before the industrial age with its pollution and widespread urban poverty and overcrowding. 希望重新回到工业时代以前的没有污染、没有到处存在的城市贫困和拥挤的年月去。
This happened in the late 18th century, when coal and steam power ushered in the industrial age. 18世纪末出现过一次转折当时,煤和蒸汽动力开创了工业时代。
You have lead the human into industrial age remember! 你曾经引领人类迈入工业时代!
This is a time when an old world is being swept away at a tremendous rate by the juggernaut of the industrial age. 这是一个旧世界被那为人们对工业时代盲目的崇拜所疾速扫荡的年代。
It has partly resolved poverty problems in American plentiful society, and has improved American life quality, upgrading American society to its perfection and maturity in an industrial age. 它部分地解决了美国丰裕社会的贫困问题,提高了美国人民的生活质量,推动了美国工业社会的完善与成熟。
It is not an index system to evaluate the modernization in the industrial age; 英格尔斯指标体系不是一个用来评估工业时代现代化的指标体系;
The human-centered and self-centered culture fostered in the industrial age led to biological crisis. 本文认为以人类中心主义和自我中心主义为主要特征的工业时代的文化是生态危机的根源。
Urban problems emerged in the Industrial Age and their solutions are reviewed. 回顾工业时代的城市问题和出现过的解决方法;
With the rapid development of science and technology, the developed countries have accessed to modernization and some developing countries access to the industrial age gradually. 科技迅猛发展,处于发展中的各国逐步进入了工业化时代,一些发达国家已经进入了现代化。
All aspects of jewelry marked by the industrial age. 首饰的各方面都打上了工业时代的烙印。